Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Brunei Town


8 students join Islamic film festival workshop

Lyna Mohamad

Eight Kolej International Graduate Studies (KIGS) students from the Faculty of Multimedia and Broadcasting taking Diploma and Bachelor Degree under the supervision of lecturer Amirul Jazli, are participating in the Brunei Islamic Film Festival (BIFF) workshop, which continue until March 30. Among the workshop collaborations include Origin studio/Mahakarya, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports.

Lecturer Amirul Jazli said the workshop is a good opportunity and experience for the students, helping them to gain network and exposure in the creative industry before completing their studies.

Kolej International Graduate Studies lecturer Amirul Jazli with the students. PHOTO: LYNA MOHAMMAD

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