Thursday, June 27, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town

20 complete ‘Bangkit Bersama’ programme

Lyna Mohamad

A total of 20 Single Mothers Movement Association (PGIT) members who completed ‘Bangkit Bersama’ programme organised by Itqan group under the 32nd Executive Development Programme for Middle Management Officers (EDPMMO) in collaboration with Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) and the Public Service Department of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), received their certificates during a ceremony at the Jongsarat Room of the Brunei Malay Teachers Association (PGGMB) building in the capital yesterday.

Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office Dato Seri Setia Haji Awang Abdul Mokti bin Haji Mohd Daud presented the certificates.

The ‘Bangkit Bersama’ programme aimed at empowering institutions to become highly competitive, sustainable and accountable to members through various administrative and leadership seminars, while serving to promote inclusivity to participants towards contributing to the community and becoming agents of change that continuously strive to move forward with the support through the whole-of-nation approach based on Malay Islamic Monarchy and Maqasid Syariah.

The ceremony began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah followed by welcoming remarks from Itqan Group Head Pengiran Haji Ahmad Masudwardi Aidil-Fitri bin Pengiran Haji Mohd Daud and the guest of honour, while BIBD Head of Government Relations and Special Projects Haji Mohammad Yusri bin Haji Wahsalfelah presented the seminar’s closing remarks.

Haji Mohammad Yusri shared that participants showed significant changes during the seminar by opening up and building confidence while being increasingly open to share views, opinions and experiences.

Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office Dato Seri Setia Haji Awang Abdul Mokti bin Haji Mohd Daud at the ‘Bangkit Bersama’ programme by Itqan Group under the EDPMMO.
ABOVE & BELOW: Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office Dato Seri Setia Haji Awang Abdul Mokti bin Haji Mohd Daud presents the certificates. PHOTOS: MUIZ MATDANI

ABOVE & BELOW: BIBD Head of Government Relations and Special Projects Haji Mohammad Yusri bin Haji Wahsalfelah delivers the seminar conclusion; and the minister receives a token of appreciation from PGIT representative

“We hope that the participants will be able to succeed in meeting PGIT objectives and help the institutions improve and strengthen the image and reputation of single mothers as leaders and entrepreneurs who are resilient, open-minded and positive, thus contributing towards building the nation’s economy.”

The programme saw an array of topics presented by several institutions including PMO, UNISSA, Islamic Da’wah Centre and Perbadanan TAIB.

A Perbadanan TAIB representative presented topics on corporate social responsibility, social media in creative communication, budgeting cost and business organisation, business plan drafting, cash flow management, the importance of ICT in the organisation administration in 4th Industrial Revolution era and effective community in a team.

Participants also produced eight resolutions with the help from Itqan members and guidance from Qalam Academy’s facilitator to provide PGIT clear directions.

They are: organising various upskilling courses; improving effective communication among members; enhancing sustainable entrepreneurship programmes; building members capabilities as entrepreneurs; instilling values and morals, increasing potential and patriotism while contributing to inclusive community; guiding and building beliefs; and creating thriving institutions that are prepare as agents of change.

‘Bangkit Bersama’ programme was supported by BIBD as the main sponsor and Qalam Academy as the seminar consultant.

Itqan group members are Pengiran Haji Ahmad Masudwardi Aidil-Fitri (MoE), Ariffin bin Dato Paduka Haji Abu Bakar, (Ministry of Religious Affairs); Sarilelawati binti Haji Md Yussof, (PMO); Halimatul Sa’diah binti Haji Nordin, (PMO); Siti Nooratika binti Haji Superi, (PMO); Ruhaidah binti Haji Rusli, (Ministry of Defence); Amalina binti Haji Tengah, (PMO); Nor Rezawati binti Haji Badaruddin, (Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism) and Hajah Zunainah binti Haji Gunong, (Ministry of Religious Affairs).


