Wednesday, June 26, 2024
26 C
Brunei Town

19 complete fencing coaching course

Nineteen participants completed a basic fencing coaching course organised by the Youth and Sports Department under the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS) in cooperation with the Brunei Darussalam Fencing Federation, which ran from November 20 to 23.

The course was held at the Menglait Sport Complex with participants comprising of secondary and primary school teachers through the cooperation of the Co-Curriculum Education Department, Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah and individual participation.

National fencing coach Rocky Poerawinata facilitated the course.

Director of Youth and Sports Umi Kalthum binti Haji Abdul Karim presented certificates during the closing ceremony.

The course aimed to contribute to the Long-Term Athlete Development Programme (LTAD) for the Sultanate’s preparation for regional and international sports and to produce coaches with the potential to train athletes in fencing. – James Kon

ABOVE & BELOW: Director of Youth and Sports Umi Kalthum binti Haji Abdul Karim presents a certificate; and participants in a group photo. PHOTO: JBS


