Thursday, June 27, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


On 12 June 2024, the Republic of the Philippines commemorated its 126th Anniversary
of Independence and Nationhood with the theme “Kalayaan, Kinabukasan,
Kasaysayan” (Freedom, Future, History). The theme highlights the historic milestones
and Filipino heroism that gave rise in modern history to the earliest democratic Republic
in Asia. President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is the current elected Head of State and
Government of this representative democracy.

State Visit of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. to Brunei Darussalam

This year’s Philippine Independence Day celebration is distinguished by the recent state
visit of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. to Brunei Darussalam on 28 to 29 May 2024
upon the invitation of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah
ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and
Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.

Full diplomatic relations between the Philippines and Brunei Darussalam were
established on 01 January 1984. On 23 February 1984, President Ferdinand E. Marcos
undertook a State Visit to Brunei Darussalam where he was received in Royal Audience
by His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah. President Marcos
Sr. cited that the “ties between Brunei and the Philippines are founded on many
affinities molded by geography, history and culture”. He welcomed Brunei as a
“member of the world’s family of nations and a member of the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations”.

Since 1984, all other Philippine Presidents have visited Brunei Darussalam, from former
Presidents Corazon Cojuangco Aquino (August 1988), Fidel Valdez Ramos (August
1994), Joseph Ejercito Estrada (August 1999), Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (August 2001),
Benigno Simeon Aquino III (June 2011), to Rodrigo Roa Duterte (September 2016).
The state visit of President Marcos Jr. underscores forty years of warm diplomatic
relations and enduring friendship between the Republic of the Philippine and Brunei
Darussalam and the two leaders’ commitment in further strengthening cooperation on
areas of mutual interest.

During the visit, President Marcos Jr. expressed appreciation for Brunei’s unwavering
support during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the wake of record-setting typhoons in
the Philippines. He also acknowledged Brunei’s role in the Mindanao Peace Process
through its active participation in the International Monitoring Team (IMT) and the
Independent Decommissioning Body (IDB) missions in the Bangsamoro Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

The President and His Majesty the Sultan witnessed the signing of three Memoranda of
Understanding and the ceremonial exchange of a Letter of Intent aimed at enhancing
cooperation between the two nations in maritime affairs, tourism, agriculture, and
seafarers certification.

The President and members of his Cabinet endeavored to strengthen economic ties
and promote investment opportunities between the Philippines and Brunei at the
Philippine Business Forum attended by over 200 Bruneian business leaders and key
industry players.

President Marcos Jr. met with the Filipino community and received a warm welcome
from hundreds of Filipinos in the Sultanate. In his remarks, the President commended
the unparalleled skills, efficiency, and trustworthiness of overseas Filipino workers and
emphasized various programs and initiatives being pursued by his Administration to
promote economic growth that will ultimately benefit overseas Filipinos and their
families. A commemorative yearbook documenting Filipino community organizations in
Brunei Darussalam entitled “Forty Years of Friendship” was presented to the President.

Commemorating Philippine Independence in the Sultanate

The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in Brunei Darussalam began the commemoration of the 126th Anniversary of Philippine Independence and Nationhood with a visit to Brunei from 5-6 June 2024 of Filipino chef and gastronomy expert, Datu Shariff Khaled Pendatun.

On an international food tour arranged by the National Commission for Culture and the
Arts featuring “Dulang: Dinner and Cooking Demonstration on the Culinary Arts and
Gastronomy of Muslim Mindanao”, Datu Pendatun showcased traditional cooking
techniques and Southern Philippine dishes at The Culinary Business School of
Laksamana College of Business. He demonstrated the making of palapa na
Maguindanaon, a condiment of grated coconut meat, galangal, ginger, garlic and chili;
piyaparan a manok, a Maranao dish featuring chicken in a rich coconut milk broth with
turmeric and shredded coconut; kiyuning, a Tausug dish consisting of rice cooked in
coconut milk with turmeric, lemon grass and ginger; and sangkerat, a Maguindanaon
sweet dish of plaintains cooked in sweetened coconut milk and pandan leaf.

Datu Pendatun also collaborated with entrepreneur Anyati Abdullah Orcullo to create
distinctly traditional Filipino menus for commemorative lunch and dinner receptions
attended and well-received by Bruneian foodies, food bloggers and cultural enthusiasts,
ranking Bruneian government officials, and Ambassadors and High Commissioners of
the Diplomatic Corps. The highlight of the receptions was tiyula Iitum, a flavorful Tausug
black beef soup uniquely seasoned with charred coconut meat.

The commemoration on 12 June 2024 commenced with a solemn flag-raising and
wreath-laying ceremony where Philippine Ambassador Marian Jocelyn R. Tirol-Ignacio
remarked, “We are reminded that freedom is not merely the absence of foreign
domination, but the presence of justice, equality, and the opportunity for every Filipino to
thrive. It is a collective responsibility, one that requires solidarity among us all. In this
spirit, we continue to work towards a future where every Filipino can live with dignity,
prosperity, and peace.”

The celebration continued with a time capsule ceremony which celebrated forty years of
Philippine-Brunei diplomatic relations. The time capsule buried in Philippine embassy
grounds will be opened after forty years. The commemoration was attended by
members of the Filipino community and distinguished guests from the Philippines led by
the Honorable Member of Congress, Jose Manuel F. Alba, Representative of the First
Legislative District of Bukidnon.

Toast Remarks of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. for the Vin D’Honneur Reception on the occasion of the 126th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence

It is a great pleasure for me to host this very important occasion with the members of
the Diplomatic Corps [as] we celebrate one of the — I’ll amend that. We celebrate the
proudest moment of our storied past — the Philippine independence.

One hundred twenty-six years on since the Philippine flag was first unfurled in 1898 to
let flutter in the fresh breeze of freedom, the flame of Filipino nationalism that sustained
our ancestors in their quest for freedom remains lit in the beating heart of the Filipino
nation to this very day.

The glow is not lost [in] us. From a flickering flame into a fiery blaze — this is how our
patriotic sentiments can easily rouse whenever our collective and common interest as a
nation is tested.

On many occasions, great trials have all the more strengthened our resolve and unified
our people because as I have said, “Filipinos do not yield.”
The struggle for Philippine independence continues to reverberate to this day, not
against colonial oppression, but against modern-day challenges. We draw inspiration
from the valor, resilience, and untiring spirit of our forefathers as we tackle these new
challenges confronting our country.

Today’s reception is more than just a commemoration of the birth of the Philippine
Republic – the first in Asia – but a strong affirmation of our century-old nationhood, and
of our collective duty as Filipinos to safeguard what our forefathers have fought and
died for so that we may carry on our sacrosanct mandate to protect our country and to
defend everything that is [rightfully] ours from those who will try to cross [the redlines].

We must dig deep into our valiant past, draw strength from the heroism of our
forefathers, and let this heritage of selflessness propel us forward into the future.
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,
As I stir the economic rudder of the nation towards progress, I am guided by the newly
minted “brand of governance” that we have come to call Bagong Pilipinas, which
roughly translates into New Philippines.

It is a brand of governance that engenders social and economic inclusivity and
transformation; inspires hope and confidence in our people; and promises
transformative change for the betterment of Filipinos.

To bring this aspiration into fruition, my administration continues to institute policies and
implement measures as laid out in [the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028] aimed
at galvanizing [our] economy amidst global economic difficulties.

The recent launching of Bagong Pilipinas is opportune to chart a new beginning for the
Philippines that transcends political [colors] and social background.

Allow me to take this occasion to share with you the state of our economy.

Despite the woes brought about by global inflation, our country has still managed to
curb inflation to a reasonable — almost manageable level. It remains unfortunately our
greatest problem and this is inflation that is brought about by forces that we cannot

But nonetheless, I think that we have done a good job and with this… It is a very large
improvement from what we were under — the situation that we were under maybe a
year ago.

To date, we are within 3.5%, within the government’s target band of 2[%] to 4[%].
I [am] also happy to note that the Philippines continues to enjoy a good rating as an
investment — credit rating as an investment destination. We are credited with a stable
outlook, which signals [growth momentum] in the medium term.

It translates to more accessible financing for our government and for our programs.
So, we will maintain that status and we will try to improve that and across all major
regional and international [debt rating] agencies.

We now continue to work on our growth and we have now recently been forecast to
have a — one of the highest growth rates for the next year and I think that this bodes
well for the transformation of our economy, especially as we are trying to recover from
the effects of our very bad drought and trying to prepare for what is coming with the
rainy season.

But we — on the foreign policy front. And I was just listening to the Apostolic Nuncio
and I said, you have made a very, very good description of foreign policy. I should write
it down and with your permission, I will plagiarize some of your description.
We continue to chart an independent foreign policy in keeping with our constitutional
mandate. [This] we pursue through international engagements that seek to strengthen
existing alliances [and] build new partnerships with like-minded states.

Our foreign policy is grounded on the continuing promotion and work for peace, and the
continuing promotion and work for our national interest.

On the global stage, we have taken positions in support of the rule of law and of the
rules-based international order, grounded on the principles laid out in the UN Charter
and multilateral conventions.

As we continue to promote diplomacy and dialogue in our efforts to “build bridges in our
various multilateral advocacies – such as for peace, economic development, climate
change, amongst others – we shall endeavor to enhance engagements with bilateral,
regional, [and] multilateral partners, especially in areas where cooperation has not yet
reached its full potential.

With Bagong Pilipinas, it is with confidence that I say that we are engaging the world for
our country and for our people.

At this point ladies and gentlemen, allow me to ask you to join me in a toast and raise a
glass to stronger bilateral ties between our countries, and deepening linkages between
our peoples in the many years ahead.

Here’s to all of your good health, long life, and prosperity.



