11 businesses fined, warned over price control violations


The Department of Economic Planning and Statistics (JPES) at the Ministry of Finance and Economy uncovered 11 offences under Chapter 142 of the Price Control Act in September.

The JPES issued fines to four business premises for failing to comply with the Act.

A retail shop in Kampong Jangsak and a shop in Kampong Tungku were each fined BND500 for exceeding the maximum price and payment set by the price controller.

Meanwhile a convenience store in Jalan Kumbang Pasang was fined BND500 for selling cooking oil products exceeding the maximum price while a shop in the capital was slapped with a fine of BND500 for not displaying prices on any goods or types of goods.

In addition, seven warning notices were issued in September 2023 for offences such as failing to display price tags for items on sale at the business premises and displaying prices that were not in line with the payment system at the counter.

Public members wishing to make a complaint under the Price Control Act are advised to report through official channels along with supporting documents such as payment receipts and photographs as evidence. Complaints can be lodged through PenggunaBijak app, Darussalam Line 123 or email to aduanpengguna@jpes.gov.bn. – Azlan Othman

An enforcement officer from the Department of Economic Planning and Statistics during an inspection. PHOTO: JPES