Monday, February 10, 2025
27 C
Brunei Town

    Work-life balance without liveable wage?

    I would like to call on the authorities to consider introducing an act to make sure private companies are paying their staff liveable wages.

    While the authorities have said that BND800 is sufficient for a person fresh out of university, perhaps such a view ought to be revised due to the inflation crisis that we are still battling.

    Food is comparatively more expensive than pre-COVID times. A smartphone is now a must-have for an employee, and so is a car.

    Even if the fresh grad is very good at keeping to spending on necessities, we are still looking at BND200 left over every month for savings, entertainment, social activities and emergencies.

    Some private companies are paying fresh grads BND300 per month, and at some point, we have to ask: How does one survive on that amount? This is especially after four years of higher education, to find themselves in a position where they have to continue depending on their parents financially despite having found employment.

    The public has been repeatedly told to prioritise health, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the detriments of a sedentary lifestyle. What we need now are authorities to make concerted efforts to achieve their various objectives, together. An ill workforce isn’t going to be able to contribute much to the economy, neither is a low wage to obtain food that nourishes the mind and body.

    A Fresh Grad


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