Monday, February 17, 2025
31 C
Brunei Town

    Together in reaching one billion steps

    BN on the Move, the new promotional health plan featured in the BruHealth app, has taken all health enthusiasts in the country by storm.

    With the aim of encouraging the populace to collectively move towards becoming healthier versions of themselves, many have actually taken this plan seriously by committing to accomplish their daily personal targets.

    The fact that users can invite friends to join the plan and compare each other’s number of steps bring out a competitive streak in a healthy and fun manner.

    Participants in the 1 Billion Steps Together campaign are able to view their personal rankings among friends and within the country through a leaderboard on the app. I have a friend who now prefers to use the stairs instead of the elevator to get to her office on the fourth floor of the building just to boost her ranking.

    There are others now who rather park their cars much further than getting a spot closer to any building entrance and actually commit themselves to set time aside to go brisk walking after work.

    Collectively, we have reached over 600 million steps and its not surprising that the one billion objective can be met in just a matter of days, surpassing the three-month target.

    Job well done to BruHealth and together, we can maintain the well-being of the community and continue leading a healthy way of life. It’s about time that we get the encouragement and the motivation to be fit for life!

    BruHealth Number One Fan


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