Daniel Lim
I-Ready religious officer Muhamad Waqiyuddin Fakhri highlighted the importance of the youth’s role from a virtuous aspect and how humility and respect should create a positive mindset.
Organised by the MCYS in collaboration with the MoRA, the programme started with the mass Subuh prayers led by mosque’s Imam Haji Noor Azhar bin Haji Harith.
A tazkirah titled Belia dan Keluarga was delivered by Muhamad Waqiyuddin Fakhri yesterday.
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Nazmi bin Haji Mohamad, along with 200 others attended the Wira Fajar programme mass Subuh prayer held at the STKRJ Lorong Tiga Selatan Seria Mosque.
Also present were the Legislative Council member Yang Berhormat Mohammad bin Abdullah @ Lim Swee Ann as the Village Head of Kampong Bukit Sawat, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) Haji Mohammad Rosli bin Haji Ibrahim, Permanent Secretary (Sports) at the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports (MCYS) Pengiran Mohd Amirrizal bin Pengiran Haji Mahmud, Permanent Secretary (Youth) at the MCYS Haji Zakaria bin Haji Serudin, Acting Belait District Officer Haji Amirol Hafidzin bin Haji Muhammad, and senior MCYS officers.
The programme continued with the recitation of Surah Al-Kahfi by Muhammad Irfan bin Haji Abdul Gapar, before concluding with the recitation of Doa Allah Peliharakan Sultan dan Negara Brunei Darussalam and Sunnat Dhuha, led by the Imam of the mosque.