Azlan Othman
The Prime Minister’s Office recently held a roadshow at Nusa Laila Puteri School in Jangsak to disseminate and provide basic information related to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to the students.
Over 60 students attended the ‘Get to Know ASEAN’ briefing delivered by Head of the International Affairs Desk, Corporate Relations Unit, as the Secretariat of the ASEAN Information Sub-Committee (SCI)-COCI Information Department Eddy Iswandy bin Haji Ismail. A quiz was held to find out how much the students knew about ASEAN and its role in its member countries’ development. The roadshow also promoted the ‘We ASEAN’ mobile application containing information about ASEAN and its member states, the ASEAN calendar as well as photo and video galleries.
The downloadable application is one of ASEAN-COCI SCI projects, the students were told.
The ‘Get to Know ASEAN’ programme is one of the Information Department’s ongoing efforts to instil the spirit of patriotism and unity among students to appreciate ASEAN’s function and purpose.
It also aims to raise awareness on the ASEAN community in line with the ASEAN motto, ‘One Vision, One Identity, One Community’.
The roadshow also promotes the ASEAN Secretariat’s publication of the ASEAN Communication Master Plan II (ACMP II), which is one of the initiatives to support the implementation of the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on the ASEAN Vision 2025.