Monday, February 10, 2025
27 C
Brunei Town

    Single mothers complete marketing course

    James Kon

    Fourteen members from the Single Mothers Movement Association (PGIT) received certificates yesterday upon completing a four-day Marketing for Home Based Business course by the Continuing Education and Training (CET) under the Institute of Brunei Technical Education (IBTE).

    Director of Technical Education and IBTE CEO Dr Haji Zamri bin Haji Sabli, the guest of honour, presented the certificates.

    Continuing Education and Training (IBTE-CET) Director Hajah Maznah binti Haji Abdullah in her welcoming remarks said, “It is undeniable that we have been through challenges and problems, especially during COVID-19. The economy has also been impacted until today, causing many to lose their jobs and sources of income. Initiatives have been implemented to help those in need through a corporate social responsibility (CSR) project.

    “The CET Division of IBTE also organised its CSR project as an annual initiative. Alhamdulillah, one of the CSR projects provided education and skills to single mothers.

    “From our understanding, single mothers are the head of the family with responsibilities and roles to generate income to continue their life in raising up their children,” she added.

    Hajah Maznah also shared, “Single mothers have the potential to further build home-based businesses if they were given the opportunity, trust and equipped with knowledge and skills.”

    The CSR project, she said “exposed participants with marketing training skills. With guidance from the training, I believe it will help participants expand their target market via available platforms. I also urge the public, especially single mothers, to stay positive in venturing into any activities that can raise their living standard.”

    Director of Technical Education and IBTE CEO Dr Haji Zamri bin Haji Sabli in a group photo. PHOTOS: JAMES KON
    Continuing Education and Training Director Hajah Maznah binti Haji Abdullah delivers her remarks


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