Saturday, February 8, 2025
26 C
Brunei Town

    Singapore President Halimah Yacob decides not to stand for re-election

    SINGAPORE (BERNAMA) – Singapore President Halimah Yacob has decided not to stand for re-election in the Presidential Election scheduled to be held in a few months’ time.

    Announcing it on her official Facebook page on Monday, Halimah said it was decided “after very careful consideration”.

    Singapore President Halimah Yacob delivers her speech during her state visit in Malaysia. PHOTO: BERNAMA

    “It has been a great honour and privilege to serve as the eighth President of Singapore for the past six years. The experience has been most inspiring and, at the same time, humbling,” she said.

    Halimah, 68, is the first female president in Singapore’s history.

    “I was aware of the tremendous responsibilities of the Presidency when I took office in 2017 and I have tried my best to fulfil them. My aim was to help create a more caring and compassionate society,” she wrote.

    She expressed her gratitude to all Singaporeans for their trust, understanding, and kindness during her tenure, and to the many community, social, and business organisations, who have inspired her with their conviction and enthusiasm to build a better Singapore.

    Halimah noted that she has been most fortunate to be given the chance to serve all Singaporeans regardless of race, language, or social standing as the President of Singapore.

    “I will forever cherish the fond memories of the people I have met, and the experiences acquired during my term. These will inspire me to continue contributing to our society and nation in other ways for as long as I am able to,” said Halimah.

    It was reported that her term expires on September 13.


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