Saturday, February 8, 2025
26 C
Brunei Town

    Royal presence at friendly badminton tournament

    Lyna Mohamad

    Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Anak Dr Mansurah Izzul Bolkiah, along with representatives from 17 diplomatic missions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports attended the ‘2022 Friendship Badminton Match – Celebrating ASEAN Day’ organised by the Indonesian Embassy in Brunei Darussalam on Sunday.

    Colonel Angelo Gerard P Ariles and Hermosillo T Inoferio from the Philippines Embassy won the Rolling Trophy donated by the Indonesian Embassy after beating Abdul Rashid bin Haji Idris and Maidin bin Haji Tamat from the MFA.

    Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs II Pengiran Datin Shazainah binti Pengiran Dato Paduka Shariffuddin attended the event.

    Indonesian Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Dr Sujatmiko said over the past 55 years, ASEAN has been recognised as the most successful regional organisation contributing to peace, stability and prosperity to the people in the region and beyond, including in times of economic crisis and pandemic.

    “ASEAN has met several challenges throughout its journey. However, with cohesiveness and close relations among the member countries and their people, we always cooperate to find a solution and move forward together,” he said.

    Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Anak Dr Mansurah Izzul Bolkiah with the participants in a group photo.

    The programme was held in commemoration of the 55th anniversary of ASEAN on August 8 and is intended as a get-together among the diplomatic missions of ASEAN member states, its dialogue partners, and other countries, as well as the relevant Brunei Government ministries.

    Indonesia will be the Chair of ASEAN next year based on the rotational basis of chairmanship after Cambodia. The Indonesian Ambassador hopes the support from the Government of Brunei and other diplomatic missions in the Sultanate will contribute to the success of Indonesia’s Chairmanship in 2023. Before the matches began, participants conducted a warm-up session with Gemu Fa Mi Re dance, followed by breakfast provided by the Indonesian Embassy and other missions.

    There were two categories in the event – the Exhibition Fun Game, participated by heads of missions or spouse, permanent secretary, and dignitary participant; and friendly match, joined by the staff of diplomatic missions and ministries.


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