Saturday, February 8, 2025
26 C
Brunei Town

    Reckless driving needs to stop

    In recent months, there have been a few fatal road accidents, and the thought of it makes me anxious whenever I hit the road.

    From my own experience, most motorists are law-abiding but there are a few bad apples, who seem to take pleasure in stressing out fellow road users.

    One example is a recent encounter with a high-performance vehicle. The driver was weaving between the slow and fast lanes down the highway at high speed, scaring everyone into slowing down, just in case he lost control of the wheel.

    Then, there are the tailgaters, who try and bully people off the road by sticking way too close to their cars. What if the car in front had to make an emergency brake? Or how many accidents have occurred because of these tailgaters?

    My concern is that while most of us try to follow the road rules, for as long as these reckless drivers are allowed on the road, there will always be accidents.

    Perhaps the authorities could look into increasing the penalty for these people?

    Safety First


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