Fairview School recently hosted a Maulidur Rasul celebration to honour the birth of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Head of Fairview School Administration Datin Paduka Hajah Fatimah binti Dato Paduka Haji Mohd Husain and Managing Director of Fairview School Dato Seri Laila Jasa Haji Ahmad bin Dato Paduka Matnor were the guests of honour.
The event aimed to instil a love for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) among the students, encouraging them to follow his Sunnah and strive to emulate his exemplary character. It also served as a platform to promote prayers for the Prophet (pbuh) and reinforce the moral values he embodied.
The ceremony began with a mass procession involving the guests of honour, teachers, and students from Kindergarten 1 to Year 6.
Following the procession, the gathering continued with the recitations of Surah Al-Fatihah and Sayyidul Istighfar. The highlight of the event was a tazkirah titled ‘Get to Know the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’ by Fairview School’s religious teacher, Mohd Abdul Aiman bin Abdul Wahab.
Students also participated in a quiz focusing on the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), designed to enhance their knowledge of the Prophet’s (pbuh) history and boost their confidence in answering questions.
In conjunction with the celebration, a banner-making competition for students from Years 1 to 6 and a colouring competition for Kindergarten students were organised on September 7.
The winners of both competitions were announced during the event.
In the colouring competition for kindergarten students, Dayangku Nur Qaisara Ariana binti Pengiran Mohd Ridzwan ‘Afifi from KG1, Kaylee Paredes Malanay from KG2 and Rania Bazilah binti Mohammad Irsyaduddin from KG3 emerged as winners. In the banner-making competition, the Zubair bin Awwam Group claimed victory in the Upper Primary category, while the Ali bin Abi Talib Group triumphed in the Lower Primary category.