Friday, February 14, 2025
29 C
Brunei Town

    Promoting ‘ASEAN-ness’ among students

    Izah Azahari

    The Information Department under the Prime Minister’s Office through its International Affairs Unit as the Secretariat for the Sub-Committee on Information (SCI) of the ASEAN Committee for Culture and Information (ASEAN-COCI) continued its ‘Get to Know ASEAN’ (Kenali ASEAN) roadshow for some 199 Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Arabic School Year 9 students at the school’s multipurpose hall yesterday.

    The roadshow is part of the department’s efforts in instilling patriotism and unity of ASEAN-ness among students. Teachers and staff were also present.

    Acting Head of the International Affairs Unit Pengiran Haji Ahmad Fadillah Akhbar bin Pengiran Haji Sellahhuddin delivered a briefing which raised awareness among students as part of the ASEAN community, in line with the ASEAN Motto, ‘One Vision, One Identity, One Community’.

    An ASEAN quiz was also held to test the students’ knowledge about ASEAN and its role in developing its member countries.

    The event ended with the presentation of prizes to winners and souvenirs followed by a photo session.

    The roadshow’s objectives were to highlight ASEAN’s function and purpose of its establishment, and to strengthen the relationship between the Information Department and the community, especially the students in the Sultanate.

    The event also promoted the We ASEAN application that contains information on ASEAN and its ASEAN member states, an ASEAN calendar, quiz, photo gallery and video.

    The mobile application is one of the projects under the SCI of the ASEAN-COCI. It can be downloaded through Google Play for Android users and the App Store for iOS users.

    Students during the ASEAN roadshow. PHOTO: IZAH AZAHARI

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