I would like to highlight a viral video circulating in the country that shows an adult contacting a minor with the intention of sexually harassing her.
What disappointed me the most is that the majority of Bruneians, who responded to the video, defended the predator. What they didn’t seem to know is that the man was a repeat offender, having been caught multiple times committing the same crime.
The fact that a sexual predator with a criminal history is being glorified by the masses shows a deeper societal issue than I could ever imagine.
The brave minor had summoned all her courage to put the video out in the hope that she would be the last person he ever harassed.
I am not a big supporter of taking the law into one’s own hands. However, the law clearly states that in order for the authorities to act on a crime, someone needs to first lodge a report. Given that the girl was a minor, could she possibly have been able to approach the police herself, given that her parents were more keen on moving on from the “unfortunate” incident?
The authorities should educate not just the younger generation on what to do when adults behave inappropriately with them but their parents too. Parents need to know what the course of action is when their children have been harassed.
One thing I’m glad about is reading about sexual offenders being brought to justice in the paper. However, I would like to see more preventive efforts, especially when it comes to sexual assaults.
What is appalling is that the said predator has been given a platform on social media where he is being validated for his action, thus the encouragement to continue with his felonious way.
I am not sure if the predator is under the radar of the authorities but the fact that he has gotten away scot-free tells me that more needs to be done to keep the public informed on what is right and wrong.
It is important to remember that people who stand by the predator is as guilty as the predator himself. By supporting him on social media, they have elevated him to the invincible status where he can now do as he pleases.
Upstanding Citizen