Saturday, February 15, 2025
30 C
Brunei Town

    Nationhood briefing programme goes to KB

    Some 110 students from Perdana Wazir Secondary School in Kuala Belait attended a nationhood briefing programme, organised by the Belait District Information Branch, District Branch Division under the Prime Minister’s Office recently.

    The briefing, by Information Officer Muhd Khairulhadi bin Haji Muhd Muhtaddir, as the Head of Belait Information Branch with Acting External Officer, Information Branch Division Noraisah binti Haji Muhammed, covered topics such as the monarch, the history and etiquette of hoisting the national flag, and the origins of the national anthem ‘Allah Peliharakan Sultan’.

    The students also watched an animation video on flag-hoisting procedures and participated in a national quiz to deepen their understanding of the topics discussed. The programme aimed to foster love for the monarch, religion, race and country while promoting patriotism and unity among the students. – James Kon & Fadhil Yunus

    The nationhood briefing programme in session. PHOTO: INFORMATION DEPARTMENT
    A student during the briefing programme. PHOTO: INFORMATION DEPARTMENT
    The students at the nationhood briefing programme. PHOTO: INFORMATION DEPARTMENT


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