Saturday, February 8, 2025
23 C
Brunei Town

    ‘Mystery’ eggs found in loggerhead turtle nests

    UPI – Researchers in North Carolina said they are trying to determine the purpose of “mystery” eggs found in several loggerhead turtle nests.

    The Cape Hatteras National Seashore Park Service said in an Instagram post that researchers found numerous so-called “spacer” eggs among the normal eggs in several loggerhead turtle nests along the North Carolina coast.

    The spacer eggs are smaller than the turtles’ normal eggs and bear an unusual shape. The eggs lack a yolk and do not hatch into baby turtles, researchers said.

    Spacer eggs are common in leatherback turtle nests, but it is not common to find them in loggerhead nests, parks officials wrote.

    “Even though the name spacer egg hints to a space filling function, the purpose of these eggs are still a mystery,” parks officials wrote.

    Loggerhead sea turtle eggs are white, spherical in shape and ping-pong ball sized. The tiny egg is commonly called a spacer egg or yolkless egg. It’s not viable and won’t produce a turtle hatchling. PHOTO: CAPE HATTERAS NATIONAL SEASHORE PARK SERVICE

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