Tuesday, February 11, 2025
26 C
Brunei Town

    International accreditation for local company

    James Kon

    ITPSS Sdn Bhd, a pioneer in the information security solutions and services field in the Sultanate, received the accreditation ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (3125:2019) standard for the National Digital Forensics Laboratory (NDFL), Cyber Security Brunei recently.

    The ISO accreditation was awarded by the American National Institute National Accreditation Board (ANAB), an organisation providing accreditation services to government, public and private sector organisations around the world.

    Deputy Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office Dato Seri Paduka Haji Sufian bin Haji Sabtu, Chairman of Board of Directors of ITPSS, presented the accreditation to ITPSS CEO Shamsul Bahri bin Haji Kamis during the prize presentation ceremony of the 7th Cyber Battle Competition and Talks at Tarindak D’Seni in the capital.

    ISO/IEC 17025:2017 is an important and highly respected international standard for the competence of testing and calibration of laboratories. The accreditation marks a significant achievement with NDFL, bringing the first and only digital forensics laboratory in the Sultanate and among only a select few in the region to achieve such a standard.

    IT also places NDFL on a stronger footing to better serve its constituents consisting of law enforcement agencies.

    Deputy Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office Dato Seri Paduka Haji Sufian bin Haji Sabtu presents the accreditation to ITPSS Sdn Bhd CEO Shamsul Bahri bin Haji Kamis. PHOTO: JAMES KON

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