Sunday, February 9, 2025
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Brunei Town

    Indonesian police’s image in tatters as murder scandal widens

    THE JAKARTA POST/ANN – Public faith in the Indonesia National Police is believed to have hit a historic low, as the cover-up scandal in the murder of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat allegedly at the hands of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo widens into allegations of elite factionalism within the force and institutional complicity in the shadowy underworld of illegal gambling.

    The police force has been mired in various scandals before, but the latest controversy – in which Ferdy, then the police’s Internal Affairs Chief, allegedly masterminded Yosua’s killing and its cover up with the help of his own men and other police officials – has exposed the culture of violence and manipulation that has long plagued the force.

    “This is the worst scandal in the police’s history. Imagine 62 people who were supposed to enforce the law voluntarily breaking the law and jeopardising their future,” Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Chairman Sugeng Teguh Santoso told The Jakarta Post recently.

    The scandal appears to have only grown bigger in recent days.

    As the police investigate the cover-up conspiracy, questioning at least 83 officers for alleged ethics breaches and obstruction of justice for tampering with the crime scene, public attention has now turned to Ferdy’s role as leader of an elite special task force that analysts said is emblematic of factionalism within the force.

    Suspended Internal Affairs Chief Inspector General Ferdy Sambo arrives at the National Police’s Criminal Investigation Department. PHOTO: THE STAR

    The task force, known as Satgassus Merah Putih, was created by then police chief General Tito Karnavian in 2016.

    It answered to the police chief and was tasked with conducting criminal investigations into cases deemed as priority by the police leadership such as those related to illegal drugs, money laundering, corruption and cybercrimes.

    At the beginning of its establishment, Satgassus was led by then chief detective Comrade General Idham Azis with Ferdy as secretary.

    Ferdy succeeded Idham in May 2020 and extended his term in July 2022 to lead its more than 400 elite members.

    The task force drew criticism for its overlapping authorities and for demoralising other officers due to its broad authority to take over significant cases.

    “We see that Satgassus had a form of exclusivity as most of the members were appointed based on their close relations, not through a merit system,” Poenky Indarti of the National Police Commission said.

    Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo disbanded the task force soon after suspending and charging Ferdy with premeditated murder. He stopped short of detailing the reasons behind his decision, only saying that it was no longer needed.


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