In today’s Friday sermon, the significance of maintaining and performing prayers was emphasised as a reflection of our obedience and gratitude to Allah the Almighty. Prayers are not only a symbol of devotion but also serve as a cornerstone of discipline, time management, and personal improvement.
The sermon highlighted that on the Day of Judgment, prayer will be the first act to be accounted for. For those who fulfill their prayers perfectly, it will bring immense blessings and success. However, negligence in prayers will result in dire consequences.

The benefits of prayer were outlined in the sermon:
Time management: Prayer teaches us to prioritise and value time. Performing prayers at their prescribed times instills discipline and mindfulness.
Self-improvement: Engaging in regular prayers strengthens one’s connection with Allah the Almighty, encourages the recitation and understanding of the Quran, and helps avoid sinful acts.
Unity among Muslims: Congregational prayers foster unity and brotherhood within the Muslim community, cultivating a spirit of solidarity.
Worldly and eternal success: Observing prayers with devotion ensures peace and prosperity in this life and eternal bliss in the Hereafter.
The sermon also reminded worshippers about the dangers of neglecting prayers. Those who consistently maintain their prayers, as mentioned in Surah Al-Mu’minun, Ayat 9-11, will inherit Paradise.
The congregation was urged to strengthen their relationship with Allah the Almighyu through prayers and to instill the importance of prayers in their families and communities. By doing so, we hope to avoid the punishment of Hellfire and secure Allah the Almighty’s blessings and protection in this world and the Hereafter. – Hakim Hayat