Monday, February 10, 2025
29 C
Brunei Town

    Fostering community spirit

    Daniel Lim

    Baden Powell (BP) Guild members and Pusat Bahagia Eric Goh in Kuala Belait organised a birthday celebration for nine students at the centre recently.

    Leading the BP Guild was the head of Welfare and Community at BP Guild Beelie bin Tengah accompanied by Deputy Chairman Haji Abdul Aziz bin Haji Abdul Gani and scout members of the guild.

    The teachers and special needs students of the centre welcomed the group with the centre’s representative Winnieyanti binti Haji Sumy expressing her gratitude for the support.

    “This gesture will help enliven the daily lives of the students,” she added.

    Beelie also said that the group previously visited the centre to conduct a cleaning campaign and continues to reaffirm their commitment to give back to the community.

    Some of the activities conducted during the celebration included the presentation of gifts as well as the cutting of the cakes for the nine celebrants.

    Baden Powell Guild Deputy Chairman Haji Abdul Aziz bin Haji Abdul Gani presents a gift bag to a student. PHOTOS: DANIEL LIM
    Students cutting cakes at the celebration


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