Fadhil Yunus
Brunei Darussalam’s football heroes will join legends from neighbouring countries including Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia to play in the Sabah Independence Football Festival, SMJ Trophy Football Festival 2022, which commences on September 16 at the Likas Stadium in Sabah.
The inaugural tournament will be organised by Sabah’s Chief Minister Department (JKM) with the cooperation of SS90 Sabah Football Club, making it one of the main tournaments in the state.
Eight teams – Sabah, Sabah SMJ, Sarawak, Johor, Selangor, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei – will compete in the tournament.
The Brunei team comprises former national players Pengiran Sallehuddin bin Pengiran Haji Damit; Azmanuddin bin Haji Gillen; Ibrahim bin Haji Abu Bakar; Radiman bin A Rahman; and Abang Norsillmy bin Abang Haji Taha.
Veteran Football Association (VFA) President Matusin bin Sumpong will lead a delegation that includes a 23-member playing squad and eight members from the association.

The players have been busy training in preparation towards the meet before they leave the country on September 15.
Among the big names expected to feature include Yap Wan Looi; G Raveychandran; Jelius Ating; Fandi Ahmad; Malik Awab; Azman Adnan; Shahril Arsat; Bambang Pamungkas; Elie Aiboy; and others.
Competition Co-Organising Chairman Datuk Peter Anthony said, “It will be the biggest tournament that we will ever organise. We have organised a tournament before but not as big as this. It will certainly provide an opportunity for football fans in Sabah who miss watching their favourite players in action.”
He added, “All eight teams have confirmed their participation and the drawing process to determine the matches will be made in due course.”
Meanwhile, Datuk Peter also welcomed the public to attend the launching ceremony which will be followed with the opening match.
The team is scheduled to return to the Sultanate on September 19.