Friday, February 7, 2025
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Brunei Town

    Focus on ASEAN land transport projects

    James Kon

    Brunei Darussalam, through the Land Transport Department (JPD), Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications (MTIC) chaired and hosted the 31st ASEAN Land Transport Working Group (LTWG) Meeting and the 13th ASEAN Multisector Road Safety Special Working Group (MRSSWG) Meeting as well as attended the 20th ASEAN Highway Sub-Working Group (AHSWG) from September 5-8 via video conference.

    The annual meetings aimed at discussing the agendas and the implementation of identified land transport-related ASEAN projects.

    The 31st ASEAN LTWG and 13th ASEAN MRSSWG meetings were chaired by Acting Director of JPD Ridzuan bin Haji Ahmad, joined by representatives from ASEAN member states and the ASEAN Secretariat, according to the JPD.

    Senior officials from the JPD, MTIC and representatives from the JPD also attended.

    The 31st ASEAN LTWG meeting reviewed the implementation of the land transport-related measures under ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint and the Kuala Lumpur Transport Strategic Plan (KLSTP), the Implementation of the Sustainable Transport-related Measures under AEC Blueprint and KLSTP, ASEAN New Initiative related to Sustainable Transport; and LTWG Workplan 2022-2023.

    Meanwhile, the 20th AHSWG Meeting, chaired by Thailand, discussed the progress of the implementation of actions related to the ASEAN Highway Network project under KLSTPand AHSWG Work Plan 2022-2023.

    A report on successful meeting outcomes will be presented at the 53rd ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting (STOM) and the 28th ASEAN Transport Ministers’ Meeting (ATM), scheduled to be held at the end of this year.

    Acting Director of Land Transport Department Ridzuan bin Haji Ahmad during the meeting. PHOTO: MTIC

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