Monday, September 30, 2024
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EmployAbility: Answering the nation’s call

Lyna Mohamad

The idea behind EmployAbility stemmed from challenges amid the COVID-19 pandemic when various restrictions made recruiting foreign workers difficult and the pandemic presented an opportunity for them, their business partners and the country to reduce unemployment and make strides in developing a sustainable skilled local workforce.

Brunei LNG Sdn Bhd (Brunei LNG) Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Hajah Farida binti Dato Seri Paduka Haji Talib said this during her welcoming remarks at the graduation of the first intake of Brunei LNG’s social investment flagship programme, EmployAbility, yesterday.

In terms of positive contributions to the Sultanate, Hajah Farida attributed her success to the opportunities given by His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam’s Government.

Brunei LNG has been training locals as certified and semi-skilled members of the oil and gas industry, in support of the government’s efforts to tackle unemployment.

EmployAbility, thus, aspires to help lower the unemployment rate by strengthening local capabilities and building a skilled local workforce.

She also noted His Majesty’s titah at the opening ceremony of the 19th Legislative Council session last week that emphasised on the whole-of- nation approach to reducing the unemployment rate, adding that, EmployAbility is one of many whole-of-nation initiatives.

ABOVE & BELOW: Brunei LNG Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Hajah Farida binti Dato Seri Paduka Haji Talib delivers a speech; and Acting Permanent Secretary of the Department of Energy at the Prime Minister’s Office Pengiran Haji Jamra Weira bin Pengiran Haji Petra with Hajah Farida and invited guests at the event. PHOTOS: MUIZ MATDANI

ABOVE & BELOW: Adinin Works & Engineering Sdn Bhd Managing Director Haji Musa bin Haji Adnin giving a speech; and Pengiran Haji Jamra Weira with the graduates

In the 39th National Day titah, His Majesty stressed the government to include manpower and social blueprints as the direction for every plan and action of the stakeholders and the economic blueprint as a reference material for the public, especially the private sector and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

The managing director believes EmployAbility is Brunei LNG’s blueprint to enhance manpower capability and welcomes all business partners to be contributors.

In line with International Women’s Day last Wednesday, she highlighted two female trainees in the programme and looks forward to more joining in the coming years.

Adinin Works & Engineering Sdn Bhd (AWE), to date, has selected 12 in-service trainees, in three cohorts, for career development opportunities under the programme.

With the help of the programme, the company has increased the number of local employees and achieved this year’s goal of 70 per cent local employment or 596 personnel.

This was shared by AWE Managing Director Haji Musa bin Haji Adnin, who also expressed gratitude to Brunei LNG for providing the company with competent local candidates.

The company also reaffirmed its commitment to the programme for the mutual benefit of the in-service trainees, their company and the growth of the nation’s economy.

He took the opportunity to remind the trainees to take their job seriously, be team players, learn from their supervisors and managers and to be adaptable.


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