Azlan Othman
Pious acts conducted during the holy month of Ramadhan, like reciting Istighfar and praying for forgiveness, should be continued in other months, founder of Al-Busyra group of Youth Religious Programme at the Islamic Da’wah Centre Haji Mohammad Ali Wafiuddin bin Haji Osman said at Munajat night held for the 85th time on Saturday.
Legislative Council (LegCo) member and Mukim Lumpas Penghulu Yang Berhormat Amran bin Haji Maidin, the special guest led the reading of Sayyidul Istighfar and Al-Fatihah from Kampong Putat Mosque.
LegCo member and Village Head of Kampong Labu Estate and Piasau-Piasau Yang Berhormat Haji Sulaiman bin Haji Nasir from Kampong Labu Estate Mosque in Temburong District, youth of Al-Busyra group, Da’ie Youth of Youth Religious Programme at Islamic Da’wah Centre, mosque takmir committee of Kampong Putat, Kampong Labu Estate and Kampong Keriam as well congregants from 87 mosques, suraus and religious halls and workforce from Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) and their families also participated.
The recitation of Sayyidul Istighfar, Al-Fatihah was led by Religious Officer at Religious Enforcement Unit in Temburong District Haji Samry bin Haji Mohamad Ya’akub.
Doa Munajat and the reading of Asmaa Ul-Husna and Doa Peliharakan Sultan dan Negara Brunei Darussalam was also held during the event.
Munajat invites the public to intensify their spiritual practice by reciting Al-Quran verses, supplicate and perform Zikir and Istighfar to seek forgiveness, protection and blessing from Allah the Almighty and for the nation to be spared from COVID-19.