Azlan Othman
BIBD Securities Sdn Bhd (BIBDS) organised an event to provide an overview and insight on sustainable investing to clients at the Radisson Hotel yesterday.
It was also held to introduce the Arabesque Q3.17 Global ESG Momentum Flexible Allocation Fund, launched in December last year, to give further insights on the fund’s potential offering.
Acting Managing Director of BIBDS Jason Wong in his welcoming remarks, said, “This event is aimed at introducing the recently launched funds to our existing clients and potential investors to help them understand the new fund.
“The launch of the new fund is one of the many initiatives that we are embarking on, as part of the BIBD Group’s Sustainability Framework. It is the first Syariah-compliant ESG Fund in Brunei – allowing our clients the opportunity to add value in both a Syariah-compliant and sustainable manner.”
The Arabesque Q3.17 Global ESG Momentum Flexible Allocation Fund is a globally diversified multi-asset strategy that integrates material sustainability criteria and bottom-up, AI-driven stock analyses within a rules-based investment process.
In strict compliance with the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) guidelines, the strategy ensures the Syariah compliancy of the underlying funds.
The strategy’s global investable universe consists of approximately 1,500 highly liquid and sustainable companies and excludes companies that generate profit from non-permissible business activities outlined in the AAOIFI guidelines.
The transparent stock selection process equally allocates into circa 100 companies with the strongest prospects for future success, while a dynamic cash allocation allows for increased stability and a systematic market participation.