The 13th Brunei-Malaysia-Singapore Leadership Development Programme (LDP) kicked off yesterday, seeing the involvement of 29 middle-management civil servants from all three countries.
Acting Deputy Director General of the Public Service Department Rusdi bin Haji Judin attended the opening ceremony on behalf of the Civil Service Institute.
Rusdi, Director of Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN) Malaysia Datuk Dr Alauddin bin Sidal and Dean of Civil Service College Singapore Ong Toon Hui delivered opening remarks.
The virtual trilateral LDP runs until September 9 under the theme ‘Resilience in a Changing World’, allowing participants to discuss how governments have evolved in preparing for future challenges and crisis surrounding issues such as climate change, impact of post COVID pandemic, and the growing needs of a nation.
The programme is designed to provide insight into the public service system in Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and Singapore, as well as develop leaders capable of turning strategies into action and strengthen individual networking to nurture future cooperation.