James Kon
Recipients in the Outstanding Achievers’ Award Ceremony 2022 yesterday were joyous in having their hard work and excellent achievements recognised.
Kon Chai Junho from Tutong Sixth Form Centre received an outstanding achiever award for being the top in Malay language at the Brunei-Cambridge (BC) GCE ‘O’ level.
“My success came from frequent revision before examination,” said Kon. “I have to thank my parents and teachers for guiding me.”
Kon, who hopes to be an engineer in the future, said he felt blessed and happy to be recognised by the Ministry of Education.
Meanwhile Annika Chuang Pei Rong from Chung Hwa Middle School Bandar Seri Begawan received an award for being placed second in BC GCE ‘O’ Level Travel and Tourism, fifth in BC GCE ‘O’ Level Accounting, eighth in BC GCE ‘O’ Level Commerce and topping the Best Across Nine in Brunei category.
“There are always challenges when it comes to studying, so it is important to stay disciplined and persevere. Everything will work out in the end,” she said.
“The key to getting good results is also time management and being a well-balanced student,” said 17-year-old Chuang, who is continuing her studies in Singapore.
“I am grateful to receive the awards, thanks to the support I received from my parent, teachers and friends. I am really happy that my hard work had paid off,” she said.
Chuang hoped that she will one day make a positive impact on society.
Chang Jing Yee from Belait Sixth Form Centre received an award for being placed fifth for BG GCE ‘A’ Level Sociology. “I am extremely thankful. The award came as a surprise and I did not expect to win it.
“It is rewarding for my hard work to be recognised,” she said.
“I set a goal for myself to get the best result possible and to do my best. I thank my family and a group of close friends who are very supportive of my studies,” she said. Chang hopes to obtain a government scholarship to continue her studies.