The Ministry of Education, through the Science, Technology and Environment Partnership Centre (STEP Centre), coordinated the participation of three pre-university students and a teacher from Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Science College to the Singapore International STEM Innovation Challenge (SISTEMIC) from today until May 29.
The participating students are: Mohammad Daniel bin Husny, Awangku Mohammad Raihaan Zeyad bin Pengiran Haji Mohammad Amirul Sarni and Awangku Muhammad Eljaz Mateen bin Pengiran Muhammad Khairul Nizam. The teacher is Mohammad Raymie bin Haji Othman.
The SISTEMIC competition themed ‘Designing a Sustainable Tomorrow’ is co-organised by the Singaporean Ministry of Education and National Junior College Singapore.
The competition is open to students aged 15 to 18 who are talented in science and innovation. The students were involved in two types of competition activities.
In the STEM Innovation Challenge competition, the students have to design a prototype to solve a certain challenge while in the Design and Build Challenge competition, they will be divided into groups with other ASEAN students to enable them to solve the contested challenge.
In addition, teachers will also participate in the Educators’ Symposium which includes the Applied Learning Expo and workshops.