Azlan Othman
Two local Al-Quran readers left the country yesterday to take part in the 42nd Al-Malik Abdul Aziz International Al-Quran reading competition to be held in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
The competition is held from today until September 21. Muhammad Hisyamuddin bin Haji Mahadini, a Year 4 Tahfiz Qira’at student at Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) is set to take part in the memorising 30 Juzuks of Al-Quran category, while Ahmad Hamizan bin Haji Laidin, a Year 1 Diploma in ‘Aliyah Qira’at student at Institut Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah will participate in memorising 15 Juzuks of Al-Quran category.