Tuesday, January 21, 2025
32 C
Brunei Town

    Brunei joins global efforts against drugs

    Brunei Darussalam stands committed in addressing global drug issues and will continue to support the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) as the principal policy-making body of the United Nations on drug control matters, said Deputy

    Minister (Security and Law) at the Prime Minister’s Office Dato Seri Paduka Haji Sufian bin Haji Sabtu. He said this during the High-Level Segment of the 67th Session of the CND (67th CND) in Vienna, Austria on March 14 to 15.

    The 67th CND was chaired by Ghana’s Philbert Abaka Johnson and attended by high-level representatives from 110 countries.

    The high-level reviewed the progress of existing international drug policy commitments made in 2019 and efforts to address drug problems around the world from 2024 to 2029.

    Dato Seri Paduka Haji Sufian, in his statement emphasised the Sultanate’s zero-tolerance policy against drugs and the two-pronged strategy in dealing with illicit drugs by reducing both the demand and the supply. According to the deputy minister, Brunei Darussalam’s whole-of-nation and whole-of-government approaches have been adopted to implement comprehensive strategies, including the enforcement of drug laws, advocating preventive drug education, treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts, and the re-integration for former drug addicts into society.

    The deputy minister also expressed concerns over the decision by a number of countries to legalise cannabis for non-medical and non-scientific purposes.

    ABOVE & BELOW: Deputy Minister (Security and Law) at the Prime Minister’s Office Dato Seri Paduka Haji Sufian bin Haji Sabtu delivers a speech; and the deputy minister at their exhibition booth. PHOTO: PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE

    Dato Seri Paduka Haji Sufian believes that the move could potentially pose a significant threat to public safety.

    He said Brunei Darussalam has given its full support to the ASEAN Statement by reaffirming its commitment to addressing and countering the world drug problem and is resolved to continue to make a positive impact on the communities by actively promoting a society free of drug addiction in ensuring that all people can live in health, dignity and peace, with security and prosperity.

    The meeting also saw member states make their pledges to the Pledge4Action initiative in their commitment to address the key challenges outlined in the ministerial declaration.

    Brunei has given support to the initiative by vowing to improve treatment and rehabilitation services through evidence-based programmes and extension of facilities by 2026.

    The Sultanate also held an exhibition titled ‘Drug Demand Reduction Approach in Brunei Darussalam’ at the session, showcasing its preventive drug education as well as treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts.

    Director of the Narcotics Control Bureau Dato Paduka Mohd Zalani bin Haji Ismail was also present.


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