Wednesday, April 17, 2024
29 C
Brunei Town

Active weather conditions over Brunei forecast

Weather conditions over Brunei Darussalam are forecast to be active until tomorrow. The condition is due to the influence of low pressure areas over the region, which enhances the development of rain clouds and thus increases rainfall activity in the Sultanate.

Wind speed may increase up to 40 kilometres per hour during or near heavy showers or thunderstorms. Meanwhile, over the Brunei waters, sea state condition is at slight state, of below one metre, the Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department said.

Brunei is currently towards the end of inter-monsoon period, where local wind effects play an important role in governing daily weather.

During this inter-monsoon period, the weather is generally fair in the morning. Showers and thunderstorms occur mainly over the inland during the afternoon, and propagate towards coastal and sea areas at night, and at times prolonged to early morning of the following day.

The public is advised to take action with respect to the forecast active weather conditions.

Risk of falling trees and landslide are possible during heavy showers and gusty conditions.

There is risk of flash floods, especially at low-lying and flood-prone areas as well as near river banks during heavy rain and also during high tide.

The public is also advised to be up to date with the latest weather forecast, advisory and warning issued by the Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department, and to take action to ensure safety.


