The National Family Day is celebrated annually every Sunday on the first week of May. This year’s theme ‘My Family My Hope’ focusses on Brunei Family Values: Loving, Caring, Being Responsible and Respecting (SaTu HaraPan).
The celebration aims to strengthen the core values of family in the context of the Sultanate in line with the planning and strengthening of policies as a basis in the Social Blueprint and Plan of Action under the National Council on Social Issues.

This was elaborated during the National Family Day Celebration Committee Meeting on Tuesday at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS) Digadong Hall, co-chaired by Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Haji Mohamamd Rosli bin Haji Ibrahim; Permanent Secretary (Municipal and District) at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Abdul Walid bin Haji Matassan; and Permanent Secretary (Community) of MCYS.
More details on Wednesday’s Borneo Bulletin